BP-511 - some advice on how to make your
battery last longer
Treat your BP-511 battery
When you buy rechargeable batteries, or get some with your
camera, make sure you read the instructions that came with them. The
most critical issue is whether there is some conditioning you should
do when you first get them. For example, we've seen instructions to
charge your batteries before you use them the first time, give them
a chance to cool down, then charge them again, give them a chance to
cool down again, and then charge them again.
When you recharge your bp-511, you're using up a recharge cycle, and coming
one cycle closer to not being able to recharge anymore. Lithium ion
and lithium polymer batteries need very different treatment, and
often come with instructions to charge the battery every chance you
get. With no memory effect, there's no need to run the batteries
down, ever. Keep in mind, however, that the best way to maximize
battery life varies even from one battery model to another. The rule
remains: read the directions that came with the batteries.
There are also some
dos and don'ts to keep in mind about the BP511
- Do make a point of storing your BP 511 in a cool,
dry place at normal room temperature.
- Do make sure that the contacts on your
rechargeable batteries and in your camera stay clean and make
good electrical contact. If they seem dirty, use a pencil eraser
to clean them.
- Do make a point of giving the bp-511 battery a
chance to cool down after recharging instead of popping them
into your camera immediately.
- Don't leave your camcorder battery bp-511 — or your camera with
batteries in it — sitting in places like a hot car in direct
sunlight for extended periods of time. Heat raises the
self-discharge rate — and it isn't a good thing for the
electronics inside your camera, either.
- Don't leave your BP-511 — or your camera with
batteries in it — sitting in places like a cold car sitting in
an unheated garage in the middle of a New England winter with
temperatures at 17 degrees below zero. Cold also drains
batteries quickly.
- Don't be cheap. Buy an extra set or two — or
three — of rechargeable batteries, and charge them all to
bring with you. When one set dies, start recharging it if you
have a place to plug in, and move on to the next set. By the
time you've run through all your batteries, the first bp-511
camera battery should
be recharged.