FAQ about our Nokia BL-L4A Cell Phone battery and charger:
Compatible replacement battery vs. OEM originals:
Our Cell Phones batteries are always lower in price and will meet or exceed the
performance of the original Nokia BL-L4A Cell Phone battery. Batteries can sometimes
even contain identical battery cells
as the OEM original did, but lacking the brand name, can be offered at a discount prices.
Our BL-L4A battery is covered by a 3 year limited warranty, far longer than the
warranty on your original Nokia BL-L4A Cell Phone battery.
What is your return policy on batteries and battery chargers?
East Coast Photo will refund you, in full, if you are not satisfied with the
Nokia BL-L4A Cell Phone battery, battery charger or other
accessory for the Nokia BL-L4A Cell Phone. If the product is defective, we’ll be glad to ship
you a replacement battery or charger.
Please follow the guidelines for returns on our return policy
webpage Click here.